Profile — Testimonials — Technology, Healthcare, Manufacturing

B2B Testimonials

Hear what Relequint clients have to say about our services and our results.


B2B Technology Testimonial

“Kinettix’s growth over the past two years has been steady because our prospects and clients feel a confidence from our brand. Ran Mullins, CEO of Relequint, did an excellent job of leading us through their Brand Mantra Workshop to help us develop a brand that best positions our global capabilities and platform not only for a global dispatch lead, but also for C-suite leaders seeking to fulfill on their global strategy. Kinettix is a stronger company with the brand development and website Relequint developed for us. We’ve seen the marketing drive significant growth due to new clients discovering our capabilities through their content marketing. The sales qualified leads and customers from our blogging and website have helped us close many deals that are in line with our company's growth strategy. We're now true believers in the power of inbound marketing and targeted advertising to grow our business.”

Chad Mattix
Founder & CEO
Kinettix, Inc.


Kinettix Case Study


B2B Healthcare SaaS Testimonial

“Ran [Mullins] is a visionary and accomplished entrepreneur, and has led both inbound marketing/digital agencies in which my companies have been involved. I rely on Ran's insights and perspective to drive disproportionate sales lead generation, which has outstripped our capacity to pursue—a nice problem to have and a hallmark of an inbound/digital agency that knows what it is doing. I've recommended Ran and his agency, Relequint, to multiple colleagues.”

Brent Walker


PatientBond Case Study


B2B Global Manufacturing Testimonial

“Before working with Relequint, we relied on traditional sales tactics like cold calling, trade shows and purchased email lists. Once we started working with Relequint, we shifted our focus to developing high-quality content that attracted prospects to us, instead of us going out trying to find them. After only a few months, the leads and customers started rolling in, and we closed many deals that were in line with our company's growth strategy. We're now true believers in the power of inbound marketing and targeted advertising to grow our business.”

Bill Morgan
President, U.S. Operations
Deufol US


Deufol Case Study


B2B Retirement Services Testimonial

“Relequint has been instrumental in our ability to create an industry-leading digital marketing program. We have seen consistent growth and managed to architect a multi-faceted content hub providing a plethora of resources to drive qualified leads. This has uniquely positioned us in the marketplace to engage, educate and inspire our community. Ran has been an incredible partner over the years—you can’t place a value on the experience and methodologies he provides.” 

Bryan Reynolds
Vice President of Marketing
Episcopal Retirement Services


ERS Case Study


B2B Technology Case Study

Learn how Relequint helped Kinettix increase their organic sessions by 132% YOY and deliver a 20x marketing ROI.

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