Ran Mullins By Ran Mullins • February 22, 2018

What CTAs Generate the Most Conversions for Manufacturing Companies?

manufacturing-conversionsIf you’re a marketer for a manufacturer, your website likely already includes several calls-to-action meant to motivate your website visitors to take action. Whether that action is to request a consultation, leave feedback, or download content, CTAs are your ticket to more conversions for your company. But which specific kinds of CTAs are going to be the most successful?

The Anatomy of Manufacturing Calls-to-Action

The first rule of manufacturing CTAs is to focus on what your audience wants and what's been proven to work, not what you think might look nice. This means following a few best practices and then testing out a few options to see which is the winner.

Some guidelines for manufacturing calls-to-action include:

  • Eye-Catching. Your CTAs won't get clicked if nobody sees them. Rather than have CTAs that blend in with the rest of your design, they should pop without detracting from your brand and be big and bold enough to get noticed.
  • Enticing Copy. "Click Here" isn't the most inviting text. Instead, choose actionable words that make people want to move, such as “Download Guide.”
  • Value. Clearly define what's in it for the prospect so they know exactly what to expect when they click the button, such as “Get Your Free Consultation.”
  • Specific Landing Page. Each of your CTAs should lead to a unique landing page that's built around the action you want prospects to take. Generic pages get less action than specific, dedicated landing pages that pay off the promise made in the CTA.

Manufacturing CTAs in Action

HubSpot has identified several exceptional manufacturing calls to action that are driving conversions. Each of these CTA types addresses different stages in the buying process so manufacturers can cast a wide net while also speaking to the current needs of their prospects.

  1. Ebooks and Whitepapers. For prospects in the research phase, long-form content like ebooks and whitepapers are what they're looking for. In the manufacturing space, detailed specs, buying guides, and process descriptions are essential for making purchase decisions, so give these researchers the information they need.
    Make sure each of your downloads is created for prospects early in the buying process so you can engage with these visitors and start building a relationship. When you create unique landing pages for each of your downloads, you'll be able to pinpoint exactly what the prospect is researching so future communications can be customized for those products and solutions.
  2. Download a Catalog. A downloadable catalog is helpful for visitors who aren't far enough down the funnel to make direct contact yet, but they're ripe for top-of-funnel activities. Product catalogs give prospects an idea of your offerings that can be browsed on the reader's own time.
    Before delivering the catalog, the CTA should take the visitor to a landing page that asks for the prospect's contact information along with the type of products they are searching for, projects they are working on, solutions they are seeking, or other simple-to-answer questions that will help you tailor future messaging appropriately.
  3. Read a Case Study. When they reach the middle of the sales funnel and are weighing their options, your prospects will want to see examples of the great work you’ve done for other clients. Be sure to include key metrics, such as how long it took you to complete the work and the client’s return on their investment.  
  4. Request a Quote. Most websites have a "Contact Us" link or CTA featured on every website page, and these are good for anyone who is visiting the site looking for general contact information. It's not, however, good at driving leads.
    Buttons that drive communications based on specific needs are much more effective because they help the visitor verify that they're on the right path to getting the information they are seeking. A "Request a Quote" CTA is a direct path for anyone comparing prices. Other direct-connect ideas include connecting with customer service or asking questions of your engineering or design teams.


Generating Conversions in Manufacturing

The above manufacturing CTAs generate conversions because they’re packed with value and targeted for very specific segments. In return, you receive valuable information about who’s browsing your website and which solutions they’re interested in so you can get to work on closing the deal. Rbookend2.jpg
